Episode 89: Kevin Smokler On Innovative Book Tours

We celebrate John Hughes and others this week with author Kevin Smokler, who joins Larry to talk about his book Brat Pack America: A Love Letter to ’80s Teen Movies. Join Larry and Kevin as they touch on innovative book-tour strategies, finding your audience, re-reading the classics and respecting pop culture while name-dropping Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Valley Girl and many others.“If you’re sick of your book or your subject by the time it’s time to go talk about it, you’re in big trouble.”8:03: Defining Kevin Smokler as a writer, marketer, speaker, and more.10:12: Thinking outside the norm about promotions and touring.20:28: Why it’s valuable to treat “mundane” art with respect.27:36: Mis-reading Catcher in the Rye and asking how culture ages.39:40: Generating and following ideas for new projects.49:20: Pursuing new projects that may not be books.
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